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Annual art show brings hundreds out to admire students' creativity

Annual art show brings hundreds out to admire students' creativity

Hundreds of families saw how students are “Enriching the World Through the Arts” during the District Art Show held at Colonial Middle School on May 20.

Works selected for the show were from all grade levels and were meant to demonstrate how art contributes to Colonial School District’s vision of preparing students to become resilient, lifelong learners who enrich the world. 

Some highlights included artwork reflecting environmental awareness from Conshohocken Elementary School, a collaborative weaving project based on historical works created by the Lenape, and pieces that showed the progression of student artwork from the elementary level through to high school.

Families explored two floors of student artwork. Elementary school artwork could be seen on the first floor and included students’ interesting artistic renderings of food like alphabet soup and hamburgers, as well as pieces that reflected themes from books or artwork. Lena O’Brien, a first-grader from Whitemarsh Elementary School, was excited to find out that her self-portrait was selected to be in the show. 

“I had to make a picture of me,” she said, explaining that she used a combination of paint and crayon for her colorful creation.

While it was challenging to draw her own face, she said she learned through the process how to camouflage her mistakes. The first-grader said she intends to continue working on her artistic skills as she grows up.

“I’m pretty good at it and I like it,” she said.

As members of the Colonial Middle School orchestra provided a musical backdrop, visitors strolled through the exhibits. On the second floor, where middle school and high school artwork was on display, some were delighted to find student-created photo flipbooks to look through, while others carefully examined ceramics, metal sculptures, and even a dress constructed of surgical masks. One exhibit also featured quotes from Colonial Middle School students about art.

“Art is like a dog,” said Aiden McFetridge, an eighth-grader. “Take it off the leash and you have no idea where it could go.”


Families look at a wall of colorful collages
The Colonial Middle School orchestra plays during the art show
A dress made of surgical masks is on display
A view of the art show visitors and orchestra playing from the second floor balcony
An adult woman points to a painting at the art show as two others look on
A collection of self portraits is seen in front of some colorful sculptures
A mother takes a picture of her daughter pointing to her self portrait
Students point to an artwork at the art show
A student looks through a flipbook at the art show
Adults take a photo of a student with her artwork

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