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CES Dismissal, Absent, Late and Educational Notes

CES Dismissal, Absent, Late and Educational Notes

A friendly reminder for parents/guardians. As we have over 800 students in the building it is helpful to include the following information in all communications:

First & Last Name, Homeroom #, Time they will be dismissed (if applicable) and Reason. 

If your child will be late, leaving early or have a change of dismissal, please use our dismissal links below. 

 You may also visit Colonial School District’s Website under 'Links and Resources' then click, 'Forms and Documents', click the plus sign next to 'Attendance' to complete the forms. If you would like to submit an ongoing dismissal change, please write in the "comments" that this will be taking place for the remainder of the school year or on a designated day. 

Thanks so much!

CES Office Staff